Who knows? Maybe Dolly's will add goetta to the menu which, in addition to signaling their Cincinnati-ness, would likely draw in the breakfast crowd raised on that Cincinnati staple. For the uninitiated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goetta

I'm sorry you didn't move here before Tucker's in OTR closed down for good. Best breakfast in the city. I sure do miss them. And according to my partner Richard, great goetta, too ;-) https://www.cincinnati.com/story/entertainment/dining/2024/09/26/cincinnati-mourns-the-loss-of-joe-tucker-of-tuckers-restaurant-in-otr/75350998007/

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I think they could make some tweaks to better adapt to the market, but this start is promising.

I read about Tucker's, the priests who went there. Seemed like I would have liked it.

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You know I generally regard you as a headlamp on the road to enlightenment. And I also generally support your no-sauce-on-burgers policy. It's been a long time since I've been to Eat'n Park (folks are from Pittsburgh), and even longer since it was affiliated with Big Boy. But eating one of those burgers without the sauce is like eating a Chicago dog without the pickle spear or neon-green relish (which I'd also forgo in any other situation). It just has to be done to have the full experience. That's in the Bible. Barabbas 14:2.

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I’m not sold. This would have been Frisch’s busy part of the year. Their fish sandwiches were the reason McDonald’s has a Filet-O-Fish. Without the pumpkin pies and tartar sauce they will most likely not make it in the long run.

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Jim, c'mon man! No reference to Manners Big Boy? I thought you were from the ol' 216?

I grew up watching Cleve-o TV on our small town RCA Victor black & white. Big Boy seemed so much more exotic than our local car-hop drive-in or even the Dog'n'Suds, the only chain place in town till Burger Chef arrived sometime later '60s. Was a mighty big treat that day dad took us in the Galaxy 500 somewhere north where I scored both a Big Ghoulardi shake (kinda icky, really) plus the bumper sticker: This Knif Drank a Manners Big Ghoulardi. Must've been my birthday!

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Before my time! Best I can tell, the Marriott purchase likely erased the name Manners in 1979, years before I was born. But the Eliases bought them (I know that name) when I was two, and apparently there were 26 Big Boys in Cleveland back then. I only remember the one in the valley!

I never went to a Burger Chef. Only Hardee's. Glad Cleveland remains the Arthur Treacher's capital of the world!

That is a cool bumper sticker! https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-ghoulardi-sticker-decal-knif-1722176506

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Ernie Anderson was an inspiration! ...oh, did my mom worry about what we were picking up from him 😊 In fact between him, Mad magazine, and the 3 Stooges, I believe I developed awareness of pop culture and word play plus valuable attitudes of questioning authority & coping with difficult situations by making light, . As a septuagenarian, all still come in handy.

I really enjoy your insights into my old sod w/your perspectives from a more recent era coming of age. And as Ghoulardi used to sign off: Stay sick, turn blue!

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