Thou shalt not throw stones at HEB! There are over twenty five HEBs in Austin alone. Unfortunately you visited a bad one. And I can tell you if you let HEB corporate know, it would be fixed. Our longtime HEB is fabulous and we recently visited a newer one with a BBQ restaurant inside. You would love it!
New one in Georgetown is two stories. And the one we went to is a new larger one in Pflugerville. HEB does amazing community work and always can be counted on during emergencies either weather related or pandemic. The stores are all set up slightly different to appeal to their surrounding neighborhoods. Our personal "home" HEB is the best.
I'll have to give it a try if I'm out your way looking for a place to eat.
I'm a heretic -- someone living in Cincy who doesn't shop at Kroger's, except when I have to. It's puzzling that as an avid walker who thinks nothing about going out for a 6 mile walk, I go into one of these mega grocery stores and feel instantly tired.
I tend to shop at Trader Joe's and Fresh Market the most. TJs is very reasonably priced; Fresh Market is pricey. What they both have in spades, though, is great customer service, something I find Kroger's lacks. And I don't have a family to feed so the higher costs at Fresh Market aren't prohibitive for me.
Have you had a chance to shop at Dorothy Lane's yet? It's a Dayton grocery company. Given Kroger's hometown prominence, they've not tried to crack the Cincinnati market yet. But they are opening a store in Mason sometime this year: I'll likely dare the horrors of driving in exurbia to go there occasionally.
Well, the stimulation of one of those places beyond physical exertion, is exhausting. At least the Anderson Kroger.
I wish there were a more convenient TJ's, as I am a big fan of grocery stores and food economics. The one in Kentucky is nice! It wasn't packed to the gills like the DC ones. I have been to Fresh Market, and while I think it is a good store, it is not one that I go to because I am not a produce-heavy cooker. I did pop into Country Fresh Farm Market yesterday and was impressed (
Though Kroger is new for me (they were not in Cleveland or Saint Louis and only bought Harris Teeter when I lived in DC), I am also a big Meijer fan. Somewhat familiar with Publix because of Florida and they just came to Washington a few years ago. I see we are getting some here, too. Along with WaWa, which is great.
Have not been to Dorothy Lane yet, but any place with "BACON FEST" on its homepage seems like a store I would like. I have some family in Dayton and will be there at some points this year. Obviously have to get Cassano's while I am there. But if I don't make it, will try the Mason one! Appreciate the tip!
I am not sure if you have quite communicated how there could be some understood confusion as this Kroger also has a series of taps within it, nicknamed the "Kro-bar" where people seem to like to drink at a bar while enjoying the ambiance of a suburban grocery store?
A trip the the Eastgate Jungle Jim's is in order if you or any readers have anxiety about being over-stimulated in a "grocery" store.
Thou shalt not throw stones at HEB! There are over twenty five HEBs in Austin alone. Unfortunately you visited a bad one. And I can tell you if you let HEB corporate know, it would be fixed. Our longtime HEB is fabulous and we recently visited a newer one with a BBQ restaurant inside. You would love it!
There's that big new one coming! And I must have stopped at an old one (6607 S I-35 Frontage Rd, Austin, TX 78744) but it was very tired.
New one in Georgetown is two stories. And the one we went to is a new larger one in Pflugerville. HEB does amazing community work and always can be counted on during emergencies either weather related or pandemic. The stores are all set up slightly different to appeal to their surrounding neighborhoods. Our personal "home" HEB is the best.
I love H-E-B! And the stores you describe are the ones I am used to.
P.S: My husband said the one you went to is one of the originals, and it is ancient!
I'll have to give it a try if I'm out your way looking for a place to eat.
I'm a heretic -- someone living in Cincy who doesn't shop at Kroger's, except when I have to. It's puzzling that as an avid walker who thinks nothing about going out for a 6 mile walk, I go into one of these mega grocery stores and feel instantly tired.
I tend to shop at Trader Joe's and Fresh Market the most. TJs is very reasonably priced; Fresh Market is pricey. What they both have in spades, though, is great customer service, something I find Kroger's lacks. And I don't have a family to feed so the higher costs at Fresh Market aren't prohibitive for me.
Have you had a chance to shop at Dorothy Lane's yet? It's a Dayton grocery company. Given Kroger's hometown prominence, they've not tried to crack the Cincinnati market yet. But they are opening a store in Mason sometime this year: I'll likely dare the horrors of driving in exurbia to go there occasionally.
Well, the stimulation of one of those places beyond physical exertion, is exhausting. At least the Anderson Kroger.
I wish there were a more convenient TJ's, as I am a big fan of grocery stores and food economics. The one in Kentucky is nice! It wasn't packed to the gills like the DC ones. I have been to Fresh Market, and while I think it is a good store, it is not one that I go to because I am not a produce-heavy cooker. I did pop into Country Fresh Farm Market yesterday and was impressed (
Though Kroger is new for me (they were not in Cleveland or Saint Louis and only bought Harris Teeter when I lived in DC), I am also a big Meijer fan. Somewhat familiar with Publix because of Florida and they just came to Washington a few years ago. I see we are getting some here, too. Along with WaWa, which is great.
Have not been to Dorothy Lane yet, but any place with "BACON FEST" on its homepage seems like a store I would like. I have some family in Dayton and will be there at some points this year. Obviously have to get Cassano's while I am there. But if I don't make it, will try the Mason one! Appreciate the tip!
Love dubbing them “Twin A/B” makes them sound like engines on a plane, truly perfect
And GE Aviation is located here. COINCIDENCE?!
I am not sure if you have quite communicated how there could be some understood confusion as this Kroger also has a series of taps within it, nicknamed the "Kro-bar" where people seem to like to drink at a bar while enjoying the ambiance of a suburban grocery store?
A trip the the Eastgate Jungle Jim's is in order if you or any readers have anxiety about being over-stimulated in a "grocery" store.
On a plane, one engine always starts first. I am guessing maybe the same with the twins. One spools up and then the other gets going?
Oh yeah. I don't post pics of them, but if I did, one would have a marker streak on her forehead that came from the other twin.