Eastern Kentucky - pop!

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Where I grew up both pop & soda are used interchangeably with the occasional sodapop (used in more rural areas) I have lived and worked in numerous area in Oregon and found this to be true as well.

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Pop forever!!😀

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Jim - I moved to Boston in 07 after living in Dayton and Cincinnati my whole life and I am loving this blog. Ohio never fully gets out of your system.

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You may have your Wagamamas and your Wahlburgers, but really you dream of Cassano's, White Castle, and chili over spaghetti. Ohio knows: you'll be back.

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So I know I asked you about it earlier. In my high school snob days I took pains to convert myself to "soda." I still have to translate it in my head like when you learn a second language you don't use regularly.

How about "ope"? I only recently realized I use this!

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But Cincinnati is a little more southern. I used to be able to peg kids from Cincinnati at Ohio State when they would say "pardon?" instead of something slightly more rude.

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Ope, gonna scooch right past ya. Definitely and "Ope"r. During the pandemic I played Call of Duty with some of my friends and they knew something bad was about to happen when the Ope Alarm came out.

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Update at Kroger a few hours ago: "Would you like your pop in a bag?" Yes, ma'am, I would.

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In MA we called it tonic or soda pop. We drank water from a bubbler and that was pissah!

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